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Stop Groping In The Dark In 2024 – Atiku Warns Tinubu

Former vice president Atiku Abubakar has sent a message to President Bola Tinubu as he celebrates the new year.
He warned the Tinubu-led administration to show a clear direction of its policy projections and desist from the subsisting behaviour of groping in the dark in 2024.
He lamented the current intensity of the trying times many families and businesses are going through, adding that a completely different pathway could have been taken had the government been smarter with their policy prescriptions.
Atiku, in his 2024 New Year Message, said time and season was created to take stock of realities and effect necessary amends.
While he expressed gratitude to God and welcomed Nigerians to the new year, Atiku, admitting that the past year was challenging, said lessons learnt are what should prepare Nigerians for the future.
He said, “The rising cost of food items, goods and services, the malfunction in our national economy and the degenerating state of our national and community security are all existential challenges that we have to face squarely in the New Year.
“While many companies have closed their operations in Nigeria and moved their enterprise elsewhere with clearer policies and visions, the situation of life for Nigerians keeps getting direr.
“To walk back from these throes of adversities will require a well-thought vision of National Planning that will deliberately make the common people of Nigeria the centrepiece of our development.
“The Year 2024 is still new on its canvas; and so, there is ample time for the current government to champion a pathway to addressing the acute hardship that Nigerians are going through.
“The government must show a clear direction of its policy projections and desist from the subsisting behaviour of groping in the dark.
“While I congratulate all Nigerians for witnessing this New Year, I also wish to call on everyone to double our efforts to put our respective families and businesses in good shape,” he said.
Entertainment News

Profound Loss To The Nation – Atiku Reacts To Kaduna-Abuja Expressway Accident

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the 2023 presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has reacted to the accident which claimed the lives of 16 victims along the Kaduna-Abuja expressway.

It was reported that 16 persons were killed and 27 were injured in the fatal road crash that occurred at Audu Jhangon village along the expressway on Sunday evening.

In a post via his official X handle on Sunday night, the former Vice President commiserated with the victims of the tragic auto crash and described the sad incident as devastating.

Atiku said the accident was a profound loss for the nation and the affected families and called for the provision of support and comfort to all those grieving and recovering from this heartbreaking incident.

The PDP flagbearer offered his deepest condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones and wished a speedy recovery to those who were injured.

He wrote, “I am deeply saddened by the tragic road accident that occurred today at Audu Jhangon village along the Kaduna-Abuja expressway.

“This devastating event, which claimed 16 precious lives and left 27 individuals with injuries, is a profound loss for our nation and the affected families.

“In these difficult times, my heart goes out to all those who have been impacted by this tragedy. I offer my deepest condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones and wish a speedy recovery to those who are injured.

“May we come together as a community to provide support and comfort to all those grieving and recovering from this heartbreaking incident.”

Entertainment News

Atiku Refuses To Release Academic Records

Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), in the 2023 elections has reportedly refused to release his academic records.

Recall that the former Vice President sent his lawyers to the United States to legally force Chicago State University (CSU) to release the academic records of President Bola Tinubu.

Atiku had accused Tinubu of forgery of a certificate from an American university. Atiku had questioned the copy. of the CSU certificate Tinubu presented to INEC as evidence of his educational qualification to run for president.

Arguing that he needed the documents to strengthen his case at the Supreme Court after the Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC) dismissed his petition against the election of the president, Atiku persuaded the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois to order CSU to release to his representatives the academic records of Tinubu, who claimed to have graduated from the university with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

On 19 September, Jeffrey Gilbert, a US magistrate judge, granted the request and ordered CSU to release the records within 24 hours.

Although Tinubu filed an appeal against the order, a judge, Nancy Maldonado, dismissed the objection, concurring that Atiku had the right to access the records.

According to Premium Times, it requested the former vice president through a letter dated October 3, 2023, to provide copies of the academic certificates he obtained from primary school up to the university.

The news platform also said Atiku should provide his Master’s degree certificate, as claimed in his filing to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) when he ran in the 2019 and 2023 presidential elections.

Seven weeks after the letter was sent and without a response from the former vice president, the news platform said it sent him a reminder dated November 13 and sent copies of both the original letter and the reminder to Atiku’s residence in the highbrow Asokoro area and to his media office at the Central Business District, both in Abuja.

It said the reminder and the letter were received and acknowledged, adding that Atiku’s spokesperson, Paul Ibe, promised to ensure a prompt response to the request.

Yet, Atiku did not reply to the letter or make the requested information available to the public through other channels.

In the letter, Premium Times wrote: “We respectfully congratulate Your Excellency on your success in obtaining the academic records of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu from the Chicago State University after a valiant legal battle at the United States District Court, Northern Illinois.

“Your stated reason for the pursuit of the documents is to support your challenge of the authenticity of the certificate presented by President Tinubu to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for the 25 February 2023 presidential election.

“We also see it as a patriotic endeavour to set high ethical standards for Nigerian public figures, in particular those seeking high public offices, and to promote the noble principles of transparency and honesty in the conduct of public affairs in our country.

“We find it especially commendable that you have chosen to do this through the judicial route, thus again cementing your reputation as a democrat and an adherent to due process.

“It is in the same interest of transparency that we hereby respectfully request your own academic records.

“Making the records available to us will demonstrate that you did not demand from your opponent what you are not willing to give.

“Sir, what we seek from you are your admission records, transcripts and certificates from all the academic institutions that you attended at home and abroad, including for the award of a Master’s degree.

“To raise even higher the bar of transparency and moral exemplariness, Your Excellency may wish to add your employment and business records as well.

Entertainment News

Launch A Thorough Investigation – Atiku Tasks FG On Erroneous Bombing Of Kaduna Community

Atiku Abubakar, the 2023 presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has tasked the Federal government to carry out a thorough investigation on the bombing by the Nigerian military that led to the demise of many civilians in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

It was earlier reported that a bomb allegedly dropped by a Nigerian Air Force (NAF) jet during a Maulud celebration at Tudun Biri, a community within the Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, reportedly killed many villagers.

The Nigerian army then claimed responsibility for the mistaken strike that resulted in numerous fatalities after the Nigerian Air Force cleared that it did not initiate the airstrike.

Reacting to the development, the former vice president, in a statement on his official X handle, called on President Bola Tinubu to lead the government to investigate the tragedy thoroughly.

Atiku further emphasized the need to develop counterinsurgency strategies to insulate the civilian population from tragic incidents.

“I am grieved by the news of the drone airstrike that killed dozens of people and left scores of others with various degrees of injury in the Tudun Biri community in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Ironically, the victims of this unfortunate incident were celebrating the Maulud anniversary.

“The incidence of miscalculated air strikes is assuming a worrisome dimension in the country. We need to develop counterinsurgency strategies that will insulate the civilian population from tragic incidents of this nature. I call on the authorities to launch a thorough investigation into this tragedy to avert future occurrences.

“Meanwhile, no resource should be spared in medical attention to the injured and assistance to the families of the dead. I pray that the Almighty Allah comforts the bereaved families and grants the dead eternal peace,” Atiku said.

Entertainment News

Atiku Arrives PDP National Secretariat (Photo)

Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), in the 2023 elections has arrived at the party’s National Secretariat in Abuja.

Atiku arrived at the party’s national headquarters to sign the condolence register in memory of the recently departed PDP National Woman Leader, Prof. Stella Effah-Attoe.

In a post via his verified X (Twitter) handle on Monday, the former Vice President prayed that the gentle soul rest of the deceased in eternal peace.

He wrote: “I have just arrived at the PDP National Secretariat, where I took a moment to sign the condolence register in memory of our recently departed National Woman Leader, Prof. Stella Effah-Attoe. May her gentle soul rest in eternal peace

Entertainment News

Atiku’s Press Conference On Supreme Court Verdict (Full Text)

A full text of the speech by the Peoples Democratic Party’s presidential candidate in the February 25, 2023 election, Atiku Abubakar following the Supreme Court verdict in favour of President Bola Tinubu has been made public.
Recall that Atiku on Monday addressed a press conference in Abuja.
Below is the full text of his speech:
Someone asked me what I would do if I lost my election petition appeal at the Supreme Court. In response, I said that as long as Nigeria wins, the struggle would have been worth the while. By that, I meant that the bigger loss would not be mine but Nigeria’s if the Supreme Court legitimizes illegality, including forgery, identity theft, and perjury.
If the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, implies by its judgment that crime is good and should be rewarded, then Nigeria has lost and the country is doomed irrespective of who occupies the Presidential seat. If the Supreme Court decides that the Electoral umpire, INEC, can tell the public one thing and then do something else in order to reach a corruptly predetermined outcome, then there is really no hope for the country’s democracy and electoral politics.

Obviously, the consequences of those decisions for the country will not end at the expiration of the current government. They will last for decades. I am absolutely sure that history will vindicate me. We now know what the Supreme Court has decided.
At critical points in my political life, I always ignored the easy but ignoble path and chosen the difficult but dignified path, the path of truth, of morality, of democracy and rule of law.
I always chose freedom over servitude, whatever the personal discomforts my choice entails. When I joined politics, the critical challenge was easing the military out of power so that civilian democratic governance could be restored in Nigeria. It later became a very defining struggle, and, as one of the leaders of that struggle, I was targeted for elimination.
In one incident, nine policemen guarding my home in Kaduna were murdered in an attempt to assassinate me. I was also forced into exile for nine (9) months. In addition, my interest in a logistics company that I co-owned was confiscated and given to friends of the military government. As Vice President in the civilian government that succeeded the military, I, again at great personal cost, chose to oppose the extension of the tenure of the government beyond the two four-year terms enshrined in our constitution.
In response to the official backlash against me, I instituted several cases in the courts, which led to seven landmark decisions that helped to deepen our democracy and rule of law. At the current historic moment, the easier option for me would have been to fold up and retreat after the mandate banditry perpetrated by the APC and INEC.
But I went to the Nigerian courts to seek redress. I even went to an American court to help with unravelling what our state institutions charged with such responsibilities were unwilling or unable to do, including unravelling the qualifying academic records of the person sworn in as our President and by implication, hopefully who he really is.

I offered that evidence procured with the assistance of the American Court to our Supreme Court to help it to do justice in this case. I give this background to underscore that what we are currently dealing with is bigger than one or two presidential elections and is certainly bigger than Atiku Abubakar. It is not about me; it is about our country, Nigeria. It is about the kind of society we want to leave for the next generation and what kind of example we want to set for our children and their children.
It is about the reputation of Nigeria and Nigerians in the eyes of the world. We showed incontrovertible evidence that Bola A. Tinubu was not qualified to contest the Presidential Election because he forged the qualifying academic certificate, which he submitted to INEC. In fact, a simple check of Tinubu’s past records in its possession would have shown INEC that Tinubu broke the law and should not have been allowed to contest the election.
We showed irrefutable evidence of gross irregularities, violence, and manipulations during the elections. We showed incontrovertible evidence that INEC violated the Electoral Act and deliberately sabotaged its own publicly announced processes and procedures in order to illegally declare Tinubu elected. The position of the Supreme Court, even though final, leaves so much unanswered.
Even the rebuke by retired Justice Musa Dattijo Muhammad is a confirmation from within the apex court that all is not well with the Supreme Court. The court and indeed the judiciary must never lend itself to politicization as it is currently the norm with nearly every institution in Nigeria. By the way, the strong rebuke of the apex court by the revered Justice, who had meritoriously served for more than four decades, should not be swept under the carpet.
The alarm raised by Justice Muhammad and recently, former INEC Chairman, Prof Attahiru Jega, offer Nigerians an explanation into why the electoral and judicial system have become the lost hope of the common man.
Judges are no longer appointed based on merit but are products of the interplay of politics and nepotism. Worse still, the appointment of electoral officials has also been hijacked by the ruling party as seen in the latest nomination of Resident Electoral Commissioners where card carrying members of the ruling party and aides to politicians in the APC are being appointed into INEC. When two critical institutions like the court and the electoral commission are trapped in an evil web of political machination, it becomes next to impossible for democracy to thrive.
As a stakeholder in the presidential election of February 25, I, along with other well-meaning Nigerians have done my bit in ensuring that our democratic process enjoys the privilege of full disclosure of the character deficiencies of the current political leadership. I also believe that even if the Supreme Court believes otherwise, the purpose of technology in our electoral system is to enhance transparency and not merely as a viewing centre. We have to move with the world and not be stuck in time.
Implications of PEPC and Supreme Court judgments
I leave Nigerians and the world to decide what to make of the Supreme Court’s unfortunate decision. But here’s my take. The judgments of the PEPC and the Supreme Court have very far-reaching grave implications, including the following:
One is the erosion of trust in the electoral system and our democracy. Nigerians witnessed as the National Assembly changed the electoral law to improve transparency in the process. Of particular importance was the introduction of modern technology to help eliminate the recurring incidents of electoral manipulation, particularly during the collation of results. Nigerians and the world also witnessed as the leadership of the INEC, especially its Chairman and National Commissioner for Voter Education reassured Nigerians on national television multiple times that the use of that technology would be mandatory.

Yet that same INEC undermined the use of that technology during the elections and collation process and declared as winner someone who clearly did not win the Presidential election. They then went further to take sides in the courts in a dogfight to defend their illegality. Who would convince the millions of Nigerians to vote in future elections after they suffered endlessly on queues to register to vote, to collect PVCs and to vote, based on INEC’s assurances only to see their votes stolen and given to someone they did not vote for?
When people lose trust and confidence in elections, democracy is practically on life support. And by affirming and legitimizing the continued lack of transparency in our electoral system the courts are continuing to usurp the rights of voters to elect their leaders. The other grave implication is that contestants in Nigeria’s elections should do whatever is necessary to be declared the winner. That includes identity theft, impersonation, forging of educational and other documents, perjury, and violence.
And, as they do so, they should ignore whatever the law says and whatever assurances from the leadership of the electoral umpire about what the law says and what they would do in compliance. And they would do so knowing that our courts would approve of their behaviour or at best pretend not to take any notice of it. The third is that if you are robbed of victory, do not bother going to court for redress because your glaring evidence of the robbery will be ignored in favour of the mandate bandit.
Also, your lawyers, however distinguished and accomplished, may be ridiculed by the judges who may also go out of their way to make even a stronger case for the so-called “winner” than even their own lawyers were able to do. These are clearly self-help strategies and actions bereft of the law and constitutionalism. Only lawlessness and anarchy will result from such, with violence, destruction and implosion and loss of our country likely to follow.
I believe that we still have a small window to prevent these from happening. I still believe that we can rescue this country from the strange imposters that have seized it illegally and are holding it by the jugular. Let me caution that the leaders of those African countries that have completely collapsed into chaos never came together one day and agreed to collapse their countries. Rather their countries collapsed because of the incremental and compounding individual and collective utterances and actions of those leaders.
Nigerians know more about the person sitting in office as their President and how he got there, and the dangers that it portends for them and the country. It is for them, especially the younger generation whose futures are to be shaped by that man, to decide what they want to do with the knowledge.
Now, let me give a historical perspective to the constitutional evolution that gave birth to the 1999 Constitution. In the build up to the current democratic dispensation, agitation was rife amongst members of the political class and a large number of civil society bodies to envision a constitution that would operate a democracy in a functional order after the nasty military regimes. These agitations and necessities of the circumstance of that time led to the convocation of the 1995 Constitutional Conference, which I was privileged to be a part of, alongside other prominent political actors.
The Constitutional Conference was expected to create the frameworks upon which a new constitution would be built in order to make the dreams of a democratic society. A number of far-reaching reforms and recommendations were made, which drew from our past experiences and aimed at safeguarding the new constitution from the mistakes of the past.
One such headline recommendation was the concept of rotational presidency anchored on the principle of 6 years single term among the 6 geopolitical blocks. Even the notional idea of delineating the country along geo-political blocks was a creation of the 1995 conference. Another thematic recommendation at the conference was that the Federal Capital Territory should be given the democratic opportunity to elect for itself a mayor who shall emerge from popular franchise. These two recommendations were part of the landmark reforms that were submitted to the military government that convoked the Constitutional Conference.
However, and rather disappointingly, the government that midwifed the current democratic dispensation and enacted what is now known as the 1999 Constitution, expunged these two recommendations from what eventually became the body of legislation to govern our fledgling democracy.
Entertainment News

Tinubu Might Use His School Certificate To Run For Second Term – Ex-Presidential Candidate

Dan Nwanyanwu has speculated that President Bola Tinubu may not contest with his controversial Chicago State University certificate in the next presidential election.
Nwanyanwu, the presidential candidate of the Zenith Labour Party (ZLP) in the February 25th, 2023 election stated this on Thursday.
There has been controversy around the Chicago State University (CSU) of the President, which the opposition party alleged was forged.
The Supreme Court, however, threw away the evidence during the ruling, claiming that the petition was filed by Atiku Abubakar and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) outside the timeframe of the law.
Nwanyanwu speaking on the widely delibrated issue in the country, in an interview on AIT said Tinubu might consider using his school certificate to contest for a second term.
The presidential candidate said, “Well if President Tinubu will be contesting another election, that will be a different page.
“It has nothing to do with this. Maybe at that time, in order to avoid controversies, I had aspirants who came to me; some said they were lawyers, some said they were this, they answered doctors, but when I was filing their papers, they said put school certificate.
“I said, But you’re a lawyer. He said, Chairman, leave that one. So maybe if President Tinubu is going to run for a second term, he may elect (decide) to say, Okay, to avoid controversies, put my school certificate.
“Even without the school certificate, you can run for president of Nigeria. So all you need to do is let INEC be convinced that you can read and write. I mean, what is this much ado about nothing?”
Entertainment News

Supreme Court Verdict: Retire From Politics And Allow Youngsters Like Peter Obi Take Over – HURIWA To Atiku

The presidential candidate of the  Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the February election, Atiku Abubakar has been urged retire from politics following his loss at the Supreme Court.
The call was made by Civil rights advocacy group, Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA).
HURIWA urged Atiku to allow youngsters like his counterpart in the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi and others to wrestle power from the ruling party.
The advocacy group disclosed this in a statement by its National Coordinator, Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko.
Onwubiko advised Atiku to shun politics and become a statesman and campaign for proper electoral reforms.
Speaking further, the group urged the opposition to advocate that the powers of appointment of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) chairman and electoral officers be removed from the president.
He said, “We advise Atiku Abubakar to quit politics and become a statesman and allow youngsters like Peter Obi and few other good people to refocus and re-energise opposition party to wrestle power if the laws are made to remove the powers of appointment of INEC Chairman and electoral officials by the President.
“HURIWA expects Atiku Abubakar to be a statesman and campaign for proper electoral reforms so political cases are decided before any levels of government are sworn in after the election”.
Entertainment News

BREAKING: Supreme Court Dismisses Atiku’s Fresh Evidence, Says It’s Friendly Joke

The application by Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, to admit fresh evidence in his appeal against President Bola Tinubu, has been dismisses by the Supreme Court.

The application was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.

The apex court said Atiku’s petition was a friendly joke. It insisted that the petition could not be granted.

It had been reported that Atiku had sought the leave of the apex court to present fresh evidence of forgery against Tinubu.

He pleaded with the court to look into the matter because of its constitutional and democratic implications.

The fresh evidence Atiku sought to tender was the academic records of Tinubu, which were handed over to him by the Chicago State University (CSU) on October 2.The former Vice President had informed the court that the fresh evidence was crucial to his appeal, adding that it has inherent jurisdiction to entertain and decide on the application.

However, the Supreme Court said it has no jurisdiction to entertain the fresh evidence as the time limit allowed by the constitution has elapsed.

At the time of filing this report, the judgment was still ongoing.

Entertainment News

Peter Obi’s Appeal Dismissed By The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal filed by Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party.

According to the apex court, the appeal lacks merit.

The seven-man panel led by Justice Inyang Okoro held that the appeal lacked merit and “is hereby dismissed”.

Obi, in his notice of appeal, implored the highest court to overturn the PEPT’s September 6 decision, which upheld President Tinubu’s victory.

But the panel in a unanimous judgment on Thursday held that the appeal lacked merit and ought to be dismissed.

Giving ruling, the Supreme Court said:

“Double nomination ought not to have come to this Court. The Court cannot sit and begin to explain when this man resigned and when there was a fresh Primary.

There is an end to litigation. The issue of double nomination was rested in May.

All other grounds were dealt with in the Atiku’s appeal and apply to this mutantis mutandis.

This appeal lacks merit.”

More later…