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N70,000 Minimum Wage: How Tinubu Convinced Labour Leaders

On Thursday, President Bola Tinubu increased the Federal Government’s national minimum wage offer from N62,000 to N70,000, with a commitment to review it after three years rather than the previously planned five years.

Tinubu said he had to intervene in the negotiations, knowing the economic challenges faced by many Nigerians, and the need to provide urgent succour.

He said this at a meeting with the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), at the Presidential Villa in Abuja.

“I have heard all your presentations. You came here with the intention to get something on behalf of your members. It has been tough globally. And if you review my track record, I have never been found wanting in ameliorating the problem of workers.”

“I belong to the people and to all of you in leadership. Without you, this job is not interesting,” the President said.

He said the labour leaders challenged the thinking faculty of leadership, “and we have reviewed the position. I have consulted widely, and when the tripartite committee submitted their reports, I reviewed them again and started to think and rethink.

“Last week, I brought the workload to you because we have a timeline. We have a problem, and we recognise that you have a problem too.

“We are in the same economy. We are in the same country. We may have different rooms, different addresses, and different houses; we are just members of one family that must care for each other.

“We must look at the parameters of things. Here, I have a speed limit, and I must pay attention to traffic warnings; slippery when wet, curved roads, and be careful not to have an accident. That is why I went as far as having this meeting today.”

He said the government and labour leaders were driving the economy together.

“Let us look at the tenure of review. Let us agree on that, and affirm three years. Two years is too short. We affirm three years. We will review.

“I am going to move from the tripartite committee. I am going to edge a little bit forward, looking at the review that we have done.

“Yes, no one in the federal establishment should earn less than N70,000. So, we are going to benchmark at N70,000,” he said.

Tinubu explained that renewing the hope of Nigerians extended to providing infrastructure that would improve their livelihoods and create an inclusive economy that all could participate and benefit.

The President said the government was committed to reducing the cost of transportation with the introduction of Compressed Natural Gas-powered buses, which would be cheaper and efficient.

He also assured the labour unions of providing buses that would be deployed across the country.

President Tinubu also said the entitlements of members of the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities and the Non-Academic Staff Union of Universities and Allied Institutions would be considered.

He urged the Ministries of Finance, and Budget & Economic Planning to look at the possibilities of clearing the backlog.

At the meeting, Sen. George Akume, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, thanked the President for his consideration of issues as the “Father of the Nation” and scheduling two meetings to resolve the initial impasse.

“Mr President, at the tripartite meeting, and the resolutions of the government, Organised Private Sector and labour unions; we were all united as one family to promote and grow our economy, and deepen our democracy, by implication to the benefit of all.”

“Basically, that is what we are saying today. We have a listening President here,” said Akume.

Comrade Joe Ajaero, the NLC President, and Comrade Festus Osifo, his TUC counterpart, thanked the President for creating time to host two meetings on the review of the national minimum wage.

The two labour leaders acknowledged that at the last meeting, the President directed the rescheduling of an official trip in order to attend the second meeting.

The labour leaders also expressed their appreciation to the President, applauding him for his clear show of commitment to the welfare of Nigerian workers.


We Have Accepted N70,000 Minimum Wage – Labour Leaders

The leaders of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) have accepted N70,000 minimum wage approved for Nigerian workers by President Bola Tinubu.
In a briefing with reporters after the meeting, Comrade Joe Ajaero, President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), revealed that the unions accepted the offer due to the additional incentives that came with it.
Ajaero was joined by Comrade Festus Usifo, President of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), and other representatives of Nigerian workers who attended the meeting.
He said another reason for accepting the offer is because the president promised a review every three years as against what obtained in the past.

Tinubu Resumes Minimum Wage Meeting With Labour Leaders

The organized labor unions, including the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), are currently meeting with President Bola Tinubu at the Presidential Villa in Abuja.

The meeting is expected to put finishing touches to issues on the new minimum wage.

The Labour team is led by the President of the NLC, Joe Ajaero and that of the TUC, Comrade Festus Osifo.

Last week, President Tinubu met with Labour leaders over the Minimum wage issue where he declared that Nigerian workers deserve improved welfare, better wages, as well as safe and enhanced working conditions.

The President also said he was concerned about the welfare of Nigerian workers and that his administration was working seriously to come up with a wage that would be acceptable to all.

Meanwhile on their part, Labour maintained that their demand for N250,000 still stands as against the N62,000 proposal of the federal government.

After last week’s Federal Executive Council meeting, the Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, told reporters that the President would meet Labour Leaders to reach a consensus.

The Minister had said President Tinubu would hold a follow-up meeting with the labour leaders in continuation of his consultation with the stakeholders.


Nigerians Are Not The Only Ones Facing Poverty – Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu has called on Nigerians to tackle banditry and terrorism.
He said that is the easiest way to end poverty and suffering in the country.
This is as the President said that Nigerians are not the only ones facing poverty in the world.
One of the ways of tackling them, he explained, is to eliminate banditry and terrorism so that farmers cab return to the farm.
According to a statement on Tuesday by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity Ajuri Ngelale, the President said this in Lagos on Monday when he received a delegation from the National Assembly who came to felicitate with him on the occasion of Eid-el-Kabir.
The delegation was led by the Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, alongside the Deputy Senate President, Jibrin Barau and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Benjamin Kalu, among others.
According to him, it is imperative for Nigerians to have a change of value system for the nation to make progress.
“Yes, there is poverty; there is suffering in the land. We are not the only people facing such, but we must face our challenges.
“We must find a way to eliminate banditry and terrorism so that farmers can bring out food from the farmland.
“If you do not have good roads to bring the food to the population, even if you grow the food and you are losing 60-70 per cent to damages, you will pay the price,” the President said.
He challenged citizens to have a change of mindset about Nigeria if the nation is to overcome its current challenges.
“The need (for some citizens) to change the rent-seeking mindset and become more productive to the economy is a challenge. The need to stop smuggling and all economic sabotage.
“Why should we have people removing rail tracks and all that, stealing electric cables and sabotaging the economy?
“We must embrace the campaign to change our value system. We must tell our people that the challenge we face is for all of us to change our mindset about our country,” Tinubu stressed.
The President also commended the leadership of the National Assembly for the support extended to his administration, which he said had resulted in some of the important developments recorded by his administration.
“It is great pride for me to have the best of partners in the National Assembly. We have to drill down and be all-inclusive in our bid to satisfy our people.
“It is daunting, but we cannot run away from the fact that this country must survive the hardship,”he stated.
The President acknowledged the challenges and the task ahead, assuring the nation of his unwavering determination to turn things around.”

President Bola Tinubu’s National Broadcast on 2024 Democracy Day (Full Text)

President Bola Tinubu has delivered his 2024 Democracy Day speech.
The speech was delivered on Wednesday morning to celebrate democracy.
Read the full text below:
My fellow Nigerians, let me begin by congratulating all of us for witnessing the celebration of another Democracy Day today, the 12th day of June 2024. This year also marks our nation’s 25 years of uninterrupted democratic governance.
On this day, 31 years ago, we entered our rites of passage to becoming a true and enduring democratic society.
Going through this passage was hard and dangerous. During the fateful six years that followed, we fought and struggled for our natural rights as human beings put on this earth by the divine hand of our Creator.
We lost great heroes and heroines along the way. In this struggle, the winner of the June 12, 1993, presidential election, Chief MKO Abiola, the most significant symbol of our democratic struggle, his wife, Kudirat, General Shehu Musa Yar’Adua and Pa Alfred Rewane, among others sacrificed their very lives.
They bravely surrendered their futures, so that our nation might have a better one.
Let us honour the memories of Chief Anthony Enahoro, Chief Abraham Adesanya, Commodore Dan Suleiman, Chief Arthur Nwankwo, Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife, Admiral Ndubuisi Kanu, Chief Frank Kokori, Chief Bola Ige, Chief Adekunle Ajasin, Chief Ganiyu Dawodu, Chief Ayo Fasanmi, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Chief Olabiyi Durojaiye, Dr. Beko Ransome-Kuti, Chima Ubani, and others who have transited to the higher realm.
The sacrifices of General Alani Akinrinade, Professor Bolaji Akinyemi, Professor Wole Soyinka, Chief Ralph Obioha, Chief Cornelius Adebayo, among many others, should never be forgotten. For at least six years, they bore the pains and difficulties of life in exile.
While the exiled pro-democracy activists kept the fire burning, their comrades at home sustained the pressure on the military brass hats. Among the latter are Olisa Agbakoba, Femi Falana, Abdul Oroh, Senator Shehu Sani, Governor Uba Sani, Chief Olu Falae, and other National Democratic Coalition leaders such as Chief Ayo Adebanjo and Chief Ayo Opadokun.
The sacrifices they made, and the precious gift brought about by their selfless devotion can never be repaid. Neither shall it be forgotten.
We could not have won the battle against military dictatorship without the irrepressible Nigerian journalists who mounted the barricades along with the pro-democracy activists. We celebrate them today, along with their media establishments such as The Punch, Guardian, National Concord, Tribune, The News/Tempo, and TELL Magazines.
Military authorities proscribed these media establishments and jailed their journalists for standing for free speech and civil liberties.
Despite the lethal might of the military government, what appeared to be high and unyielding walls of dictatorship came tumbling down. The dismal fortress exists no longer.
The power of an idea, the power of the people proved more potent than all the guns and munitions, than all the guns, the munitions and the threats of the strongmen.
The nation exited the yoke of military rule in 1999 to become the most populous democracy on African soil, the beacon of democratic self-determination for the black race and one of the largest democracies in the world.
This change stands as a pivotal moment in human history. From this change, we shall never turn, nor shall the annals of mankind’s progress forget the sublime meaning of this great moment.
Today, 25 years later, we celebrate the silver anniversary of our journey in democracy.
We have steadied the course.
Democracy is neither a foreign nor abstract concept devoid of real-life meaning for us. Neither can we afford to reduce or minimalise it to being nothing but the mere holding of periodic elections where one candidate and party outdo another.
While elections attract dramatic attention, they are but one aspect of democracy. Democracy is a way of life that encompasses a broad outlook of which elections are but a part. As such, a nation can have elections without being democratic. But a nation cannot be truly democratic without holding elections.
That we have established a tradition of holding transparent, open, and fair elections gives credence to our democratic bearing. That we have experienced peaceful transitions of government affirms our democratic temperament.
Fellow Nigerians, true democracy shines its light into the daily lives of the people who live under its nurturing wings. It affords us the freedom and liberty to think as we want, live where we want and pursue whatever legitimate endeavour that suits us.
Democracy does not assume some false or forced unity of opinion. In fact, democracy assumes that conflicting ideas and differing opinions shall be the order of the day. Given the diversity and variety of the human experience, there must be diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
What democracy demands is that we do not resolve differences through force and repression. But we make allowance for the legitimacy of views that differ from our own.
Where other forms of government impose against the will of the people, democracy aims to make leaders sufficiently humble that they conduct themselves as servants of the common good, not as viceroys of the narrow interests of the mighty.
My dear compatriots, Nigeria faced a decision of untold gravity twenty-five years ago: Whether to veer toward a better destination or continue aimlessly in the fog of dictatorship.
We made the right choice then. We must continue with that choice now.
As Nigerians, we must remind ourselves that no matter how complicated democracy may be, it is the best form of governance in the long run. We must also be aware that there are those among us who will try to exploit current challenges to undermine, if not destroy, this democracy for which so much has already been given.
These people do this not to make things better but to subject all other people and things to their control and dominance until the point that, if you are not counted among their elite, then your life will be small and no longer owned by you.
This is the great battle of our day and the major reason we especially celebrate this Democracy Day.
Fellow Nigerians, our Democracy is more than a historical fact. It is a living, breathing reality.
The true meaning of this day is not to focus solely on the great deeds of the past that have brought us to this point.
Yes, we pay eternal honour to those who laid down their lives, sacrificing everything to pave the way for the nation.
I stand uniquely placed in this regard. I was among those who took the risk to midwife the birth of our democracy. I am now a direct and obvious beneficiary of the fruits of those historic efforts.
As president of this nation, I am morally and constitutionally bound to preserve this precious form of governance. I vow to do my utmost best to protect your rights, freedoms, and liberties as citizens of Nigeria.
Even more than that, I pledge to do whatever is necessary to cement democracy as our way of life.
Although the challenges are steep and multiple, I am grateful to lead Nigeria at this moment in her history and point in her democratic journey.
I come before you also to declare that our most important work remains before us. This real test has never been whether we would rise to challenge the slings of misfortune and grievous pain of dictatorship.
The real test is whether we shall lower our guards as the shadow of despotism and its evident physical danger fade.
I say to you here and now that as we celebrate the enshrinement of our political democracy, let us commit ourselves to the fulfilment of its equally important counterpart, the realisation of our economic democracy.
I understand the economic difficulties we face as a nation.
Our economy has been in desperate need of reform for decades. It has been unbalanced because it was built on the flawed foundation of over-reliance on revenues from the exploitation of oil.
The reforms we have initiated are intended to create a stronger, better foundation for future growth. There is no doubt the reforms have occasioned hardship. Yet, they are necessary repairs required to fix the economy over the long run so that everyone has access to economic opportunity, fair pay and compensation for his endeavour and labour.
As we continue to reform the economy, I shall always listen to the people and will never turn my back on you.
In this spirit, we have negotiated in good faith and with open arms with organized labour on a new national minimum wage. We shall soon send an executive bill to the National Assembly to enshrine what has been agreed upon as part of our law for the next five years or less.
In the face of labour’s call for a national strike, we did not seek to oppress or crack down on the workers as a dictatorial government would have done. We chose the path of cooperation over conflict.
No one was arrested or threatened. Instead, the labour leadership was invited to break bread and negotiate toward a good-faith resolution.
Reasoned discussion and principled compromise are hallmarks of democracy. These themes shall continue to animate my policies and interaction with the constituent parts of our political economy.
I take on this vital task without fear or favour and I commit myself to this work until we have built a Nigeria where no man is oppressed.
In the end, our national greatness will not be achieved by travelling the easy road. It can only be achieved by taking the right one.
The words of the American President Franklin Roosevelt certainly ring true:
“There are many ways of going forward. But only one way of standing still”!
We dare not slumber lest the good things awaiting our immediate future pass us by. We dare not plant our feet in an idle standstill in the middle of the intersection of hope and despair.
We know the proper way forward and we shall take it!
The initial rays of a brighter tomorrow now appear on the early horizon. An abundant future and our capacity to achieve that future lie within our reach. Democracy and the institutions it begets offer to take us to our profound destination.
Let us board this progressive train together. Together, let us move Nigeria forward.
Let’s continue to keep the fire of democracy burning. Let’s keep the torch lit for generations to come.
May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria and preserve our democracy.
I wish us all a Happy Democracy Day.

President Tinubu Arrives Eagles Square For Democracy Day Celebration

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has arrived at Eagles Square, Abuja, for the Democracy Day celebration parade.

Tinubu who was accompanied by his wife, Remi Tinubu, was ushered in by the presidential motorcade.

The national anthem is being recited to signal the commencement of the program.

At the event are the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa, Vice President of the country, Kashim Shettima, and the Senate president, Godswill Akpabio.

Nigeria is celebrating 25 years of uninterrupted democratic rule.

Entertainment News

Tinubu to Address Nation on Democracy Day

The Presidency has revealed that President Bola Tinubu will address the nation in a broadcast at 7:00am on Wednesday, June 12.
The address is to commemorate the nation’s 25th Democracy Day anniversary.

A statement issued on Tuesday, June 11, by Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, advised television, radio, and other electronic media outlets to connect to the network services of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) and the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) to broadcast the President’s address.
“President Bola Tinubu will address the nation in a broadcast on the occasion of Democracy Day at 7am on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. 
“Television, radio, and other electronic media outlets are enjoined to plug in to the network services of the Nigerian Television Authority and the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) for the broadcast”, the statement said.

The Reason President Tinubu Selected To Keep the Naira in the Currency

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s reasoning for floating the naira has been made public by the Presidency.

According to the statement, the decision was made because the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was maintaining the value of the naira at the official rate by spending almost $1.5 billion each month.

This was revealed in a recent interview with Arise News by Bayo Onanuga, the President’s Special Advisor on Information and Strategy.

According to Onanuga, some connected to Godwin Emefiele, the previous governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, and others close to some members of Muhammadu Buhari’s administration allegedly collected money at the official rate and sold it on the black market.

“Under the previous administration (of the CBN), as per media reports, the CBN was spending roughly $1.5 billion every year,” he stated.

In this case, individuals close to the former governor and other government figures were receiving payments at the official rate. They then engaged in arbitrage, or the sale of the funds obtained through roundtripping and selling them on the black market, where they profited handsomely for doing nothing. The government attempted to prevent some of these things.

Onanuga added that foreign direct investment (FDI) had eventually “dried up” because investors were unwilling to make investments in an area where there was unstable currency rates because of the gap in the official window and the parallel market.

According to the presidential adviser, market prices for goods and commodities were rising faster than they ought to.

“Some of the price increases we are seeing are extremely phony; it seems like everyone is just raising prices,” he stated. Because even if you want to dollarize your economy, you actually can’t tolerate the kind of extremely sharp price increases that this nation is currently experiencing if you line it with the exchange rate.

Onanuga went on to say that although more money had been allocated to the lower levels of government, there had been no progress in the last few months, so more complaints and queries should be addressed to state and local government councils rather than the federal government.

“I’m sure the naira will begin to wax stronger and stronger and probably go to the rate that Governor Cardoso envisages it will be instead of the rate we have now if we can sustain the stability we have now if we can ensure that we don’t have the volatility anymore,” he continued.


Tinubu Moves Crude Oil Sales Revenue From NNPCL To CBN

President Bola Tinubu has reportedly given a new order to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
Tinubu ordered the apex bank to take over the responsibility for crude oil sales from the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL).
The move was to show transparency and accountability as NNPCL over the years has maintained sole control over crude oil sales, and only rendered accounts to the Federal Government.
According to Western Post, under the new arrangement, NNPC will submit receipts for crude oil sales to CBN for vetting and documentation.
A source within the CBN confirmed to the news platform that receipts of payment for the oil sales will be forwarded to the apex bank with immediate effect.
The source added that the new arrangement will block any gap in the crude oil sales and declared receipts.
Experts told the news site that this arrangement is opaque as it makes the NNPC the overall responsibility rendering whatever amount it wishes to FG for the crude oil sales.
They added that the move is no longer tenable amid declining oil revenue following lower oil production arising from crude theft and other sharp practices.
Recall that the CBN Governor, Olayemi Cardoso, last week stated that the collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the NNPCL is to ensure that all foreign inflows are returned to the Central Bank.
Cardoso, who was delivering a keynote address at the launch of the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) “2024 Macroeconomic Outlook Report”, said, “This coordinated effort will greatly enhance the Bank’s foreign exchange flows and contribute to the accretion of reserves.
“The expected stability in the foreign exchange market for 2024 can be attributed to the reduction in petroleum product imports and the recent implementation of a market-determined exchange rate policy by the CBN.
“This reform is designed to streamline and unify multiple exchange rates, fostering transparency and reducing opportunities for arbitrage.
“The resulting consistent and stable exchange rate will not only boost investor confidence but also attract foreign investment, elevating Nigeria’s appeal to global investors.”

Kidnapping Increased After Tinubu Took Office – Peter Obi

Peter Obi, the 2023 presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), has lamented about the high spate of kidnappings in the nation.

In a post via his official X handle, Obi said the kidnappings of Nigerians increased rapidly after President Bola Tinubu assumed office on May 29, 2023.

The former Governor of Anambra stated that the government is rewarding those who paid to get Tinubu elected rather than spending money to tackle insecurity in the nation.

Obi also called on the Tinubu government to increase the defence budget and stop spending funds on fancy weapons systems that fail to tackle the roots of the problem, which are poverty, poor education, and anger at army atrocities.

The LP chieftain also called out those who have continued to see his criticism of a bad system as bad and are maligning his person and the Obidients for seeking good governance and a better future for all Nigerians.

He wrote: “For those who have continued to see my issue-based constructive criticism of a bad system as bad and are maligning my person and the Obidients for seeking good governance and a better future for all Nigerians, let them now read this report from the respected international newsmagazine, The Economist of London and do the same.

“How much politicians in Nigeria care about national insecurity has long been correlated with how close it gets to their mansions in Abuja, the capital. On its outskirts on January 2nd, a father and his six daughters were kidnapped, prompting a rare outcry on high.

“A crowdfunding effort to pay the ransom was even backed by a former minister. But the kidnappers instead killed one of the girls and demanded more cash. The wife of President Bola Tinubu publicly lamented a “devastating loss”. Yet such horrors are still appallingly frequent—and largely ignored by politicians.

“In one incident last week in the South East, 45 people were kidnapped and are still missing, yet few leaders spoke out. The deadliest zone is the Nort East, where jihadists linked to Islamic State attack the army and villages. The North-west, too, is riddled with gangs that routinely kidnap for ransom. A decades-long conflict between mostly Muslim herders and largely Christian farmers rumbles on in the country, where on Christmas Eve, gunmen mowed down at least 160 people.

“Separatist violence still smoulders in Southe East. At his inauguration last May, Mr Tinubu declared security his “top priority”. Yet more than 3,600 people were kidnapped in 2023, the most ever, according to tAcleded, a global monitor of conflict.

“The snatching rose sharply after Mr Tinubu took office. And almost 9,000 Nigerians were killed in conflict last year (see chart). The government stresses that, in its most recent budget, spending on defence and the police took the biggest share, about 12% in all.

“The Defence got a fifth more than it did last year. Yet inflation is running at 29%, so in real terms, the defence budget has fallen. The government tends to splurge on fancy weapons systems that fail to tackle the roots of the problem, which are poverty, poor education, and anger at army atrocities.

“The latest budget includes funds for six t-129 Turkish attack helicopters on top of the 12 costly Bell choppers bought last year from America for $1bn, not to mention 12 Super Tucano attack aircraft. Buying strike drones has become so popular that the Army runs in a fleet alongside that of its forces. But drones are very good at guarding schools from kidnappings, and heavy weaponry risks disaster. A drone recently killed at least 85 civilians at a festival in Kaduna state—not the first such cock-up.

“The army promised to “fine-tune” its operations, but more radical change is needed. The police, well equipped but able to use better human intelligence, should lead on domestic security, not the army, which has been deployed in all 36 of Nigeria’s states.
Another huge problem is graft in security spending. “Defence is a prime part of the budget where you can take large quantities of money out without people being any the wiser,” says Matthew Page of Chatham House, a think-tank in London.

“Much of the budget, he says, is still about rewarding those who paid to get Mr Tinubu elected. Sometimes the army fails to receive its budget allocation. This is worsened by a system known as “security votes”, whereby parts of defence spending are deemed too sensitive to o require public oversight.

“The practice, which accounts for perhaps $700m a year, increased sharply under the last president and may well jump more under Mr Tinubu. The defence budget has nearly tripled since 2019. But thanks to inflation, wasteful purchases, sales, and corruption, Nigerians do not suffer. General Christopher Musa, the Chief Defence Staff, appears to understand the roots of the insecurity. “Military effort alone is incapable of restoring enduring peace,” he says, adding that the army helped build hundreds of schools under his command in the north-east. Yet many politicians seem keener to spend on themselves, rather than create the conditions for peace or fill the country’s fiscal hole. Even if Mr Tinubu resists the temptation to reinstate the petrol subsidy that he largely removed last year, debt servicing alone in 2024 may gobble up 61% of revenue.

“In November, the national assembly approved SUVs for all 460 lawmakers, at a reported cost of $150,000-plus per car. In two months, the government has budgeted $31m to improve accommodation for the president and vice-president—in a country of around 220m people where more than 80m are reckoned to live on less than $2.15 a day and many fear being kidnapped.”