
A majority of Americans now use iPhone Smartphones.

In one of the most recognizable technological images of the twenty-first century, Steve Jobs is shown holding the iPhone aloft while donning his trademark black turtleneck. Since its debut at the 2007 Macworld convention in San Francisco, the iPhone has developed into a worldwide phenomenon, with more than 1.2 billion handsets having been sold as of this writing.

Source: Visual Capitalist

The smartphone industry is currently a highly competitive one. 

iPhone has accounted for a solid 16% of the worldwide smartphone market. But in the US, the iPhone has succeeded in capturing more customers’ hearts and minds. According to recent information from Counterpoint Research and the Financial Times, iPhones now account for 50% of all installed users* in the United States. 

What makes this brand so well-liked when there are so many smartphone brands accessible to American consumers—many of them at lower price points?

The Apple of America’s Eye is the iPhone.

Numerous factors, according to experts, explain why the U.S. surpasses other markets for Apple’s main product. 

Of all the major smartphone manufacturers, Apple has the most brand loyalty. Nine out of ten iPhone users in the US want to buy an iPhone as their subsequent device. 

iPhones seem to lose value more slowly than other smartphones. 

In general, American consumers are less price sensitive than those in many other nations. 

Apple has been outspoken in its messaging about safeguarding user privacy and data, and it looks that this message is hitting home with customers. 

It’s worthwhile to delve deeper into this final point.

In conclusion , Apple has used its marketing clout to affect public opinion at a time when Americans are concerned about privacy, regardless of whether iPhone is more secure than other devices. And based on these most recent installed user base statistics, it seems that this tactic is working.

Latest IPhone 14 plus and 14 pro

Why is Apple getting rid of physical SIM cards?

The days of performing microsurgery with a paper clip to extract a tiny SIM card from a small tray in your iPhone may be coming to an end. 

Apple revealed this week at its closely watched press event that it will no longer use physical SIM cards and trays on its new iPhone 14 lineup in the United States. In its place, the company is adopting eSIMs, a digital alternative.

A SIM card is a unique identifier in every cell phone that allows it to connect to wireless networks and text and call. An eSIM is a “embedded” SIM card, or one that is hardwired into the phone itself. People typically change their SIM cards when switching carrier plans or traveling internationally and wishing to use a different service provider. 

Apple first introduced eSIM support on iPhones in 2018, promising that it would make it easier for customers to activate their cellular plans and use multiple phone numbers and carriers on the same device. Apple is now doubling down on this feature by removing the infrastructure required to support physical SIM cards from the iPhone 14. 

“With eSIM, you can quickly transfer an existing cellular plan or get a new cellular plan, all digitally,” Apple’s VP of iPhone marketing, Kaiann Drance, said at the event Wednesday.

Drance also emphasized how eSIM cards can make devices “more secure,” noting that “if your iPhone is lost or stolen, someone can’t remove the physical SIM card.” 

According to the Federal Communications Commission, eSIMs provide “significant security benefits.” According to the federal agency, some bad actors have been known to steal a physical SIM card and swap it into a different phone to gain access to someone’s information and reset their accounts. Because it “cannot be stolen without stealing the phone,” an eSIM card may reduce this risk. 

In theory, removing the SIM card slot could provide another benefit: more room for larger batteries or other phone features. That’s no small feat for a company like Apple, which is constantly striving to make its products thinner. 

While the removal of the SIM card slot is not as divisive as Apple’s decision to remove the headphone jack, it has sparked some debate on social media. 

Frequent international travelers, in particular, are accustomed to changing physical SIM cards in various locations and may visit locations where carriers do not yet support the use of eSIMs. In mainland China, for example, the iPhone 14 does not currently support eSIM.