
Asking someone what they bring to the table is considered impolite?

If/when this question is posed by a partner, each person will respond in their own particular manner. 

Simply saying , it means bringing something to the table.

Offering a service or product that will be useful There are no set standards for what a man or woman should provide to a relationship because every relationship is unique.

In my opinion, it is not impolite to inquire about a person’s contribution to a relationship. 

When this question is posed, it does, however, depend on how the relationship is progressing.

What are your thoughts about this blazers?

Is it impolite to inquire about someone’s contributions? 

Please share your thoughts.


When someone apologizes, can you really tell if they mean it?

A changed character is the better apology, as the proverb goes. 

One of the most misused words in the English language is undoubtedly “sorry.” 

It can be challenging to determine when someone is sincerely sorry for their behavior, especially when tensions are high.

Genuinely contrite people never simply say, “I’m sorry,” without elaborating on their offense. 

We want for an apology when someone causes us harm, either physically or mentally.

Although it rarely, if ever, succeeds in solving the issue, an apology does. After all, saying “I’m sorry” demonstrates a desire to improve. 

How do you feel about this?


Can a man marry a very wealthy woman who wants him to take the role of the wife?

When someone is immensely wealthy, it signifies their wealth is enormous and they have unlimited resources.

Every man in Nigeria wants to be in charge of his home since, as they say, the man is the family’s head. It implies that he should be respected by his wife and children because he is the one who works to support and care for the family.

However, you find a woman who you would like to start a family with, but she wants you to be the man and doesn’t want you to work; she will do all the work and take care of everything. She will give you whatever you require, no matter how much. You only need to take care of the kids, the house, and the laundry.

So, what choice will you make? 

Can You Marry A Lady Who Wants You To Be The Man But Is Extremely Rich? 

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