An outstanding Nigerian engineer has broken a 50-year-old record by becoming the first African to receive a first-class degree from a Japanese university.

The man identified as Ufot Ekong graduated with first class from the Electrical and electronic engineering department at Tokai University, Japan.
Ufot Ekong also gained his Master of Engineering (M.engr.) in Electrical and electronic engineering and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD ) in power electronics and motor drives. Both of these degrees are from Tokai University where he has the highest score in the institution’s 81 years of existence.
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Ekòng is now making cars for Nissan and has two patented products, including an electric car he built himself.
The interesting thing about the genius is that he solved a mathematical equation that couldn’t be solved for 30 years in his first semester at Tokai University, Japan.
“It is an electrical problem involving mathematics and my entire research team is not allowed to discuss details of academic research, patents, and trade secrets as it regards electric vehicles. We are constrained by a confidentiality agreement not to discuss such projects,” Ekong told the Youth Alive Foundation.
Ufot Ekong, who is originally from the Nigerian state of Akwa Ibom, is a multi-lingual, he speaks English, Japanese, French, Yoruba, and Ibibio fluently.
Nigerians are known for their academic brilliance and exploitation when they cross the Atlantic to study overseas.
On several occasions, we’ve seen Nigerians come out tops with amazing grades, research and innovation across some of the A-list universities in Europe, North America and Asia.
The likes of Prof Wole Soyinka, Adebayo Ogunlesi, Bennet Omalu and a host of others are the prime examples of Nigerians who have gone on to shake the world with their excellence in academics, innovation, tech and the likes.