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When will you learn to keep things private? – Princess criticizes Phyna over the abortion revelation.

The Big Brother Naija star Princess Onyejekwe chastised her colleague Phyna for disclosing her history with abortions.

After admitting to having had two abortions in the past, Phyna has been making headlines for a few days. The reality personality claimed that she had her first abortion when she was 19 years old and her second when she was 24.

The reality personality claimed that being in a bad relationship forced her to decide to abort her pregnancy. She also stated in an interview that she is not embarrassed to talk about her history.

On social media, this revelation has generated a lot of discussion. The news of Phyna has prompted numerous reactions from supporters. Reality actress Princess Onyejekwe is one of many who responded to Phyna’s revelations.

According to Princess, the revelation from Phyna is unnecessary, and chastised her to learn how to keep some things a secret.

She wrote, “You had abortions at 19, and 24 and you bought a loudspeaker to let all of us know. At what age will you learn to keep things private?

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