Tag: will smith

Hollywood actor Will smith reveal he once thought about killing his father who abused his mother severally.

Will revealed this in his new memoir ”ME” ,he talked about his experience growing up in Philadelphia with his father Willard Caroll Smith Snr and mom Caroline Bright before their divorce when he was a teenager.

excerpts from ME by Will smith ;
”My father was violent, but he was also at every game, play, and recital. He was an alcoholic, but he was sober at every premiere of every one of my movies. He listened to every record. He visited every studio. When I was nine years old, I watched my father punch my mother in the side of the head so hard that she collapsed. I saw her spit blood. There is nothing that you can receive from the material world that will create inner peace or fulfillment In the end, it will not matter one single bit how well [people] loved you — you will only gain ‘the Smile’ based on how well you loved them.”