Entertainment News

Ned Nwoko release statement, reveals ex wife Laila cheated on him and Jaruma cant keep a man despite claiming her product is potent

Ned Nwoko has released a statement through his media team about the face off with his wife Regina Daniels and aphrodisiac entrepreneur Jaruma over claims Regina caused the separation between Ned Nwoko and his ex wife Laila, with one of Jaruma’s popular products Kanyamatta.

ned nwoko
ned nwoko
regina daniels
regina daniels

The former law maker revealed Jaruma’s marriage to a younger man crashed over a year ago even though she claims her products are very potent.


Ned Nwoko explained how his marriage to ex wife Laila ended because she was cheating on him with another man in Europe and she spent money she was given for the kids summer holiday in London on herself and plastic surgeries.


here is Ned Nwoko’s statement

From my media team.

The truth about Ned Nwoko’s separation with Moroccan wife,Laila.

The attention of Prince Ned Nwoko’s Media directorate has been drawn to a publication trending especially in the social media linking his separation with his Moroccan born wife,Laila Nwoko,to the influence of a local aphrodisiac called “Kayamata”,vended by one Hauwa Saidu Mohammed,commonly known as Jaruma.

Our initial reaction was to have completely ignored the silly insinuation. But given the pervasive nature of fake news and the tendency of mischief makers to peddle misinformation on the social media,we resolved albeit reluctantly,to clarify issues for two reasons:

Falsehood gone viral, need to be dismantled in order not to create wrong impression before unsuspecting members of the public.More importantly, Prince Ned Nwoko with his global reputation as a foremost philanthropist,distinguished patriot and conscientious billionaire business mogul can never allow shallow tale mongers to impugn his impeccable character and pedigree.

Entertainment News

Jaruma respond to Regina Daniels,reveal she paid her #10million and recount everything she did for her and her family

Regina Daniels has denied being friends with the Dubai based sex therapist but pictures online and several comments from Jaruma reveal they were actually friends but had issues when the sex therapist paid her #10million for visibility.

regina daniels and jaruma
regina daniels and jaruma
regina daniels and jaruma
regina daniels and jaruma
regina daniels and jaruma
regina daniels and jaruma

Jaruma took to her Instagram to clear up her side of the story from Regina and she revealed she did many things for her and her family.

jaruma rant
jaruma rant
jaruma rant
jaruma rant
jaruma rant
jaruma rant