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Cristiano Ronaldo Finally Speaks Out About The Manchester United saga

A formal statement from Cristiano Ronaldo about the ongoing controversy involving him and Manchester United has been made public.

Cristiano Ronaldo has made an official comment on the ongoing saga involving him, Manchester United, and Erik Ten Hag on his social media platform today, Thursday, October 20, 2022.

The international player from Portugal would not be joining Manchester United for the premier league matchup versus Chelsea on Saturday, October 22, 2022, according to a statement the organization made.

The Portuguese skipper continued, “The legend confirmed that he would continue to work hard and support the team like he has always done, but he is only human and could get carried away with his emotions.”

He disclosed: As I’ve always done throughout my career, I try to live and play respectfully towards my colleagues, my adversaries and my coaches. That hasn’t changed. I haven’t changed. I’m the same person and the same professional that I’ve been for the last 20 years playing elite football, and respect has always played a very important role in my decision making process.

I started very young, the older and most experienced players examples were always very important to me. Therefore, later on, I’ve always tried to set the example myself for the youngsters that grew in all the teams that I’ve represented. Unfortunately that’s not always possible and sometimes the heat of the moment get’s the best of us.

Right now, I just feel that I have to keep working hard in Carrington, support my teammates and be ready for everything in any given game. Giving in to the pressure is not an option. It never was. This is Manchester United, and united we must stand. Soon we’ll be together again. 

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